Sunday, May 4, 2014

82nd Sustainment Brigade

So I mentioned before that I would blog more about Ft. Bragg. I'm currently assigned to the 82nd Sustainment Brigade. It is considered to be the largest and most diverse sustainment brigade in the U.S. Army. That's about the only glamorous thing that I can really say about it.

Here is the insignia:

Many soldiers typically associate Ft. Bragg as the Airborne post, but sadly I was unable to get a 82nd Airborne Division slot. I asked my colonel how that works and typically the top 10% of cadets are slotted for Division as they get their first pick of the bunch.

I am Airborne qualified, but apparently they are taking away more and more slots from sustainment for people to jump.

I found this Brigade Welcome Letter that briefly describes what this brigade does and pointed me in the direction of their 82nd Sustainment Brigade Facebook page for frequent updates about the post. There I found several albums full of pictures that revealed dedicated soldiers who love what they do.

Seeing these somewhat eases my feelings of moving somewhere completely new. But I'm still on the fence of whether or not I'd like to attempt to trade posts.

On the flip side, I am only 1 final away from walking across the stage! I recently completed my final web design project, a class that I've been praying about all semester. I am definitely no web design major, but with prayer and hours of reteaching myself concepts that I didn't grasp in class, I was able to come up with this: My Web Page

It's very simple in design and layout, but I am very pleased with the way it turned out. If you only knew my skill level from the very beginning, you'd understand. My hat goes off to computer science and web design people. It's a very marketable skill. But I could not wake up everyday knowing that coding was what I had to look forward to the whole day. 

Thankfully another prayer has been answered. My boyfriend will be able to take leave from Ft. Benning to come to my commissioning ceremony. Here is a picture of us from his ceremony last May:

I can't wait to post a new picture of us in opposite places!

Commissioning in 5 days!

~ Melissa

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