Wednesday, April 16, 2014

24 More Days..

I have long started my own countdown until commissioning and graduation. It's surreal to think that almost four years ago, I was a freshman just starting college. I've learned so much about myself within that amount of time and what I'm capable of. During my four years at Tennessee Tech, I have:

 Learned the value of friendship.

Became a part of something larger than myself. 

Earned my Airborne wings. 

Felt alone in challenging situations. 

Met the love of my life with similar dreams and goals. 

And so many other things that I can't keep track of. For the most part, college has been one of the most rewarding experiences I have ever had --an experience that many in society don't have because they can't afford it. Thankfully ROTC has allowed me to pursue my dreams debt free. Quite frequently, I've been asked why I decided to pursue the military as a career. 

When society and my parents said that journalism and communications was a dead end field, the military gave me hope and options. I plan to utilize the skills that I’ve learned in college and the passions I’ve developed to pursue the field of public affairs. I cannot think of a better way to serve than to help keep the American public constantly aware of the wellbeing and actions of their serving family members, foreign and domestic. Public Affairs is unfortunately a field that I will have to transfer into after a few years of military experience. But for the time being, my next chapter is becoming an active duty Adjutant General (AG) Officer.

In July, I leave for AG BOLC in Fort Jackson, SC, which is an Army training school for  upcoming Human Resource Officers. Here is a better description of AG: AG Officer Description

Luckily I found another female Lieutenant who attended AG BOLC last year and her blog about her initial experience there! I hope to do something similar with this blog starting in July. Here is a link to hers:LT Snell's AG BOLC Blog

Afterwards, I hope to be stationed at Ft. Campbell, KY for my first duty station where the remainder of my family resides.

My question for you all is, do you have any advice for a new LT coming to their unit? Or advice for females in general? First impressions are everything and I want to make the right one. Thank you so much for commenting!

~ Melissa



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