Saturday, April 26, 2014

Thanks for all of the Advice so far!

Well, I started this blog almost three weeks ago and I feel like it's really serving the purpose I intended. I wanted to say thank you to everyone who has commented and given their opinions so far!Not only are you helping me with my college assignment, but you're helping me aim for success after graduation.

The majority of the advice I've received has come from military Facebook groups that I'm a part of. Here is a screenshot of what I've received so far from the African American Army Officers group I recently joined:

Obviously, a majority say that Bragg is the better post for opportunity. Many have said that it's more competitive there and one of the hardest posts where they have trained at. I had the great opportunity to attend Airborne school at Ft. Benning during the summer of 2012, which helped me get this assignment. It was one of the most rewarding experiences I've ever had and I'll never forget those that I met.
For those reading who don't know what Airborne school is, here is a quick video. They start jumping around 3:42.

Like a mentioned before, my professor or military science is a Colonel who loves Ft. Bragg and mentions Airborne in about every other sentence. Naturally, he had a biased opinion and described it as a base of volunteers--a very Alpha male post. I don't know if I like the sound of Alpha male but other opinions and experiences shared about it definitely has me rethinking my options. I may decide not to try to trade for Ft. Campbell after all.
I took a closer look at my orders and it looks like I'll be assigned to HHC 82nd Sustainment Brigade. I'll make my next post about that itself.
I can't describe how exciting it is to be done (temporarily) with school and starting the next chapter. I'm really starting to see how much those hours of studying has really paid off. I definitely plan to take advantage of the grad school opportunities that the Army may be willing to provide after the next 4-5 years.
Well, that's all I have for now. Please continue commenting with any advice you have. I really appreciate everything!
~ Melissa 

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