Friday, April 25, 2014

One Step Closer..

Well, it's starting to feel more official everyday. Commissioning is in two weeks. I made another trip to Ft. Campbell today to pick up my new ACUs.

While I was there, I really thought to myself whether or not I wanted to attempt to trade Ft. Bragg with someone to be stationed at Ft. Campbell or not. Ironically, I don't like change. I picked the right profession right? Over the past few years, I've definitely learned that change is eminent in the military. Change in leadership abilities, plans, location...and that's not even the surface of it all.

I think I've really got a big decision to make because both are great posts. Ft. Campbell has always been home though. It's natural to want to be close to family. After I graduate, I'll be adjusting to new levels of responsibility, meeting new people, and attempting to perform my best at it all. I know that the Army has become more competitive ever since it began downsizing again. I really don't want to be on the chopping block.

Do I want that kind of pressure in an environment that I'm already familiar with, surrounded by family or should I just take a leap of faith and start somewhere new?

I'm a firm believer in taking advantage of opportunities. I just wish I could see which opportunities I'd have at each post. But that's where you all come in.

I'd really appreciate it if you'd share your experiences at either post and give me your impression of them. What opportunities did you pursue and achieve while you were there? Thanks for commenting!

~ Melissa


  1. The decision is a tough from one in regards to how you are family/personally wise... meaning do you believe you will strive immediately away or will a short distance to adapt be better for you in the short term....
    I served at both locations... My personal bias is I love Campbell above all, despite the location claims (people say its in no where) I like the community and the people (but I am sure you know the area). As far as Bragg, to me it is too crowded, I definitely prefer Clarksville over Fayetteville. I also prefer the 101st attitude (I was old 3/101 Rakkasan) over the Bragg "mentality". As mentality goes, it's the exaggerated running distance "claims" people at Bragg speak of
    In reality, your post is what you make it, be ready to excel and go to Air Assault or Airborne School

    1. Thank you so much. My ROTC colonel is from Ft. Bragg and is obviously pretty biased when giving his opinion. But yes, Clarksville and Ft. Campbell have great people and I really like the location. My parents were stationed there and I'd love to continue the legacy. Thank you for the advice.
